An astounding discovery, backed by clinical research...


SKALD contains POTENT natural ingredients, but what sets it apart is Juniper Berry and Mulin are responsible for the around-the-clock fat-burning that SKALD delivers.

respiratory support



The 1st fat burner with respiratory support

Did you know that you cannot burn fat without oxygen?

Your body is producing energy thanks to oxygen and glycogen, but there is only 400 to 500 calories worth of glycogen in the human body.

Without oxygen, your body can’t produce the energy it needs to fuel fat loss. The more oxygen in your blood during the day, the more fat you can burn. 

The Himalayan secret revealed:

Juniper Berry Extract (Juniperus Communis)

Replicates ECA Stack Effects

Discover the power of Juniper Berry Extract combined with Caffeine and White Willow Bark to mimic the ECA stack’s fat-burning potency, kickstarting your metabolism and enhancing energy expenditure for amplified fat loss during workouts and at rest.

Targets Stubborn Fat Deposits

Break through weight loss plateaus with the unique ability of Juniper Berry Extract to target and burn stubborn body fat, transforming these challenging areas into a source of energy for your body.

Natural Appetite Control

xperience effortless calorie control as Juniper Berry Extract naturally curbs cravings and reduces appetite, ensuring you stay on track with your fat loss goals day and night.

White Willow Bark

Enhances Fat Burning Synergy:

White Willow Bark, when paired with Juniper Berry Extract, acts to significantly amplify your body's fat-burning processes, ensuring an increased basal metabolic rate for faster fat loss.

Frees Trapped Fat Stores

Utilize the effective fat-liberating properties of White Willow Bark to mobilize fat from cellular storage, releasing it into the bloodstream to be burned for a steady stream of energy.

Caffeine Anhydrous

Supercharged Metabolic Activator

Caffeine Anhydrous, a pure, dehydrated form of caffeine, is known for its potent effects on energy levels. When combined with Juniper Berry Extract, it supercharges your metabolism, leading to rapid and effective fat burning.

Precision-Targeted Appetite Suppression

The anhydrous form of caffeine provides a precise appetite suppression effect, helping you reduce cravings. Support your fat-loss journey with controlled calorie intake and heightened calorie burn.

Mullein and Elecampane

Optimizes Lung Capacity

Mullein and Elecampane work in concert to support lung function, enhancing the capacity for oxygen intake. Better lung function means a higher oxygen supply in your bloodstream, which is essential for efficient energy production and increased fat-burning potential throughout the day.

Supports Respiratory Health

The combined properties of Mullein and Elecampane are known for supporting the respiratory system, helping clear the lungs, and maintaining healthy airways. This ensures that oxygen delivery to your muscles and organs is maximized, a vital component for sustained fat loss and overall vitality.

Enhances Oxygen Utilization

These herbal powerhouses aid in the body's oxygen utilization, ensuring that each breath delivers maximum oxygen to your blood. With improved oxygenation, your body can burn fat more effectively, turning it into the energy needed for workouts and daily tasks.

Green Tea ExtracT


Lowers Body Mass Index

Green Tea Extract is rich in EGCG (epigallocatechin gallate), a compound clinically demonstrated to reduce Body Mass Index by accelerating fat loss and boosting metabolism, helping you achieve a leaner physique.

Boosts Metabolic Rate

The active ingredients in Green Tea Extract, including EGCG, have been observed to enhance energy expenditure and increase the rate at which your body oxidizes fat, making it an essential ally for anyone looking to improve their fat-burning efficiency.

Elevates Resting Caloric Burn

With Green Tea Extract as part of your supplement regimen, your body is primed to burn more calories even while at rest. This extract helps transform your body into an efficient fat-burning furnace around the clock, aiding in weight loss and energy balance.


Elevates Mood and Motivation:

N-Acetyl-L-Tyrosine is a critical precursor to neurotransmitters associated with mood enhancement. By boosting levels of dopamine and norepinephrine, it can help increase motivation and vitality, making you more inclined to engage in exercise and productive activities that contribute to fat loss.

Reduces Stress-Induced Cravings

By aiding in the synthesis of neurotransmitters that combat stress, N-Acetyl-L-Tyrosine can help reduce the occurrence of stress-related cravings. This makes it easier to adhere to a healthy eating plan without succumbing to the comfort foods that often derail fat-loss efforts.


Tame Your Hunger with SKALD

With SKALD, cravings become whispers, and portions feel more satisfying than ever.  You’ll feel comfortably full faster, turning what used to be just a snack into a meal. It’s about feeling satisfied on less and enjoying the light, energetic sensation that comes with it. Each capsule is your ally in feeling complete without overindulging.

Find unstoppable Energy with SKALD:

Prepare to greet each day with a surge of vitality that SKALD sparks within you. Within minutes of your first dose, a wave of clean energy washes over, brightening your morning routine, powering you through your workouts, and invigorating your evenings. Say goodbye to the dreaded energy dips; our customers cherish the sustained vivacity without having sleepless nights.

you'll feel happy with SKALD:

Let SKALD be the wind beneath your wings on tough days. With its mood-enhancing blend, stress and emotional eating no longer dictate your life’s story. SKALD users report newfound happiness, a bounce in their step that replaces the heavy-hearted trudge to the fridge. 

Boost your metabolism with SKALD:

“Picture this: your metabolism picking up the pace, burning fat even on those days when your routine doesn’t quite pan out. SKALD is a secret weapon that keeps you burning calories, no matter what. Go ahead and treat yourself every now and then. With SKALD, you’re still on track,  burning fat every day. 

accelerate your results and lose weight even faster with the ultimate weight loss stack!

Kickstart a round-the-clock fat-burning mission with the Ultimate Weight Loss Stack, expertly designed to help you conquer stubborn fat from every angle. Witness the astonishing metamorphoses that SKALD devotees have achieved by faithfully harnessing the full power of this comprehensive regimen.

The stack is a comprehensive combination of supplements: a robust fat burner to relentlessly target fat deposits, essential amino acids for optimal recovery, a dynamic nitric oxide booster to enhance performance, and greens multivitamins to maintain a healthy metabolism. Together, they synergize to fast-track your weight loss, refine your body’s fat-production control, amplify your energy, and support your dietary choices. 

Seize the opportunity for a transformation that could very well be your own—make the Ultimate Weight Loss Stack the cornerstone of your personal success story.


weight loss STACK


Per Bottle

Regularly $224.69

Best Value

3 Bottles


Per Bottle

Regularly $237.97



Per Bottle

Regularly $79.99


Frequently Asked Questions

Discover the transformative power of SKALD by committing to your fat loss journey with our extended 90 – 180-day regimen. Experience the full potency as you give SKALD the time to work harmoniously with your body, ensuring you not only achieve but also maintain your weight loss goals. While the journey starts yielding results from the get-go, consistency is your golden key to sustained success. To support your dedication, we’re offering substantial savings on our 3 and 6-bottle value packages.

In light of the unpredictable supply chain and the soaring demand for our premium ingredients, these packages allow you to lock in your price today, sidestepping any future cost uncertainties. More importantly, securing a longer supply ensures you won’t hit a pause on progress should an out-of-stock situation arise. Embrace this opportunity to stay committed and save up to 20% today. With SKALD, you’re not just investing in a product; you’re investing in a new, vibrant you.

All of the ingredients in SKALD have been clinically tested. SKALD is manufactured here in the USA in an FDA approved, GMP (Good Manufacturing Practice) certified facility, with the strictest standards in the world. It contains no drugs or pharmaceuticals. Everything comes from nature. You can take SKALD with confidence. However, you must discontinue use of SKALD if you lose too much weight

The rate at which you might experience weight loss can vary based on individual factors, including starting weight, metabolism, lifestyle, and more. Some users have reported noticing changes in how their clothes fit within a few weeks, while others may need more time to observe tangible results. Ultimately, every individual’s journey is unique.

We are committed to producing products that adhere to the highest quality, safety, and purity standards, ensuring premium potency. However, given that individual reactions to specific components can vary, we recommend consulting with a certified physician before starting any new supplement regimen. To optimize your results and tailor them to your specific needs, you might also consider seeking advice from fitness and nutrition professionals.

To assess tolerance, begin by taking 1 capsule on an empty stomach 15-30 minutes before breakfast. If desired, an additional 1 capsule may be taken 5-6 hours later. Once tolerance has been fully assessed, an additional 1 capsule may be added ONLY to the morning dose. Be sure to cycle off for at least 2 weeks after every 6 weeks of use.

*PLEASE NOTE: Do NOT combine with other products containing stimulants. Failure to observe and follow these precautions may lead to undesired effects.

Standard handling time (i.e., the time it takes to process, pick, pack, and ship an order) is generally within 1 business days (M-F), although some orders are shipped by the end of the business day following your order.

Once the order has shipped, please allow up to one full business day for tracking information to register within the carrier’s system.

Once the item has left the warehouse, delivery time is usually between 2 and 5 days to reach your door. If you have not received your package within 5 days of being shipped out from our warehouse, please contact our awesome support team at, or by calling 888-861-9696.

Absolutely. When you purchase SKALD, the transaction is handled by our reliable payments processor, Shopify. This payment method employs state-of-the-art encryption technology, on par with platforms like Amazon and leading online banks. Rest assured, there will be no additional charges or hidden fees, and you won’t be billed again unless you explicitly authorize it.

We’re confident that SKALD will be the solution for your struggles with weight loss.

That’s why we’re going to let you try it for yourself – absolutely risk free. We’re inviting you to try SKALD for 60 days as a special trial offer.

If you haven’t lost as much weight you expected
If you don’t absolutely love the high energy mood boost it gives you
Or you don’t like if for any reason at all…

Simply let us know. We’ll be more than happy to give your money back. That’s right, we’ll give you back every penny. Even if you eat every single pill. You won’t have any hassle. And we certainly won’t ask you any awkward question.

We’ll just immediately process your refund and the money will be back in your account within a few days.

We’re talking on ALL the risk, so you can get the body of your dreams by risking nothing


That’s how much we believe in SKALD. 

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